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I hereby declare that all the details provided by me in this application are true and correct. I acknowledge there are heavy penalties for providing false or misleading information. By clicking save I also agree to the below terms and conditions.

Information Privacy
The GMA is committed to protecting your Personal Information in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. This Privacy Statement applies to the collection and use of personal information, voluntarily provided by you, in relation to administration of Game Licences and authorisations administered under the Wildlife Act 1975. A Game Licence or authorisation may not be issued if the information required on this application form is not provided.

Game Management Surveys
Each year, the GMA surveys Game Licence holders on their hunting experience and conducts research into the harvest of game species. The GMA also conducts research into the social and economic attributes of hunting.
Personal information, such as your email address or telephone number, may be disclosed to a third party acting on behalf of the GMA for the purpose of research. Personal information is handled in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. Research may be conducted over the phone by email or face-to-face. Please ensure that your email address and telephone number is kept up to date.
